Puffballs and Friends
Lycoperdon (like a pear) perlatum is an easily-identified clustered mushroom that fruits in the spring and fall. The main trick…

Cantharellus formosus – Yellow Chanterelle
a.k.a. Pacific Golden Chanterelle Cantharellus formosa seems to be the most common yellow chanterelle, it’s easy to identify and it’s…

Polyozellus marymargaretae – Maggie’s Blue Chanterelle
Maggie’s Blue Chanterelle is named after one of Linda’s early mentors in Portland, Maggie Rogers. (More about Maggie here: https://www.fungimag.com/spring-2019-articles-02/Rogers.pdf.) Polyozellus…

Aureoboletus mirabilis
Because of the many healthy mountain and western hemlock in our local forests, it isn’t surprising to find the Admirable…

Slippery Jacks and Jills The genus Suillus is one mushroom most people in Central Oregon will encounter by living here….

Amanita muscaria – Fly Agaric
Central Oregon’s beauty queen of mushrooms Much has been written about this beautiful mushroom and the fall never passes without…

Agaricus moronii
a.k.a. Agaricus albolutescens Agaricus albolutescens is delicicious! When hunting morels in the spring, we often find a very delectable Agaricus…